Roasted Garlic Aioli
Garlic Aioli is one condiment I could put on everything! From the star of a sandwich to the base of ranch dressing, a good garlic aioli recipe is a necessity. This roasted garlic version creates a sweet, caramelized undertone to this condiment. Feel free to amp up the garlic flavor by adding in a fresh clove of garlic or even a pinch of garlic powder!
Roasted Garlic Aioli
1 bulb of roasted garlic
1/2 cup unsweetened soymilk
2 tablespoons water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
3/4 teaspoon lemon juice
3/4 teaspoon dijon mustard
3/4 cup vegetable oil
Allow the roasted garlic to cool before squeezing into a blender*. Add all other ingredients expect oil and blend until fully combined. With your blender on low, slowly stream in the oil. Blend on medium to high to ensure everything is incorporated. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before enjoying!
* You can also use an immersion blender if you have it.